The Banyuwangi General Election Commission (Komisi Pemilihan Umum) has deployed 5,134 voter data update officers (pantarlih) to conduct verification and research (pencocokan dan penelitian) for the 2024 regional elections (Pilkada).

DWQA QuestionsCategory: QuestionsThe Banyuwangi General Election Commission (Komisi Pemilihan Umum) has deployed 5,134 voter data update officers (pantarlih) to conduct verification and research (pencocokan dan penelitian) for the 2024 regional elections (Pilkada).
Jacquelyn Gosse asked 4 months ago

As Indonesia borders closer to getting approved for the 2026 Globe Cup, the journey in advance is filled with anticipation and high expectations. The group’s performance against Vietnam is an appealing sign of their prospective to complete at higher levels. With the ongoing support from the federal government, fans, and all stakeholders, the desire for taking part in the Globe Mug is a lot more obtainable than ever before.

This was announced by Golkar’s leader, A. Hartarto, after performing Eid al-Adha prayers at the Golkar DPP mosque, June 17, 2024. “In the Solo Pilkada, the daughter of Akbar Tanjung will be backed by the Golkar Party, Krisnauli Tanjung, who is also young,” A. Hartarto told reporters. Krisnauli is currently the Head of Solo DPD for Golkar. She is set to run in the Solo Pilkada to take over from the eldest son of President Joko Widodo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who has been elected as vice president for the 2024-2029 term. Golkar is optimistic in nominating A. Tanjung’s youngest. During her career, S. Tanjung worked in journalism at ABC network in 2017. In 2019, she was on the campaign team for Subianto and Uno.

Head of state Jokowi’s online watching of the Indonesia vs. Vietnam suit, together with Priest Amran and various other cupboard participants, was more than just a party of a football triumph. It was a demo of national unity, assistance for the arts and sports, and a reflection of the government’s commitment to the country’s young people and sporting activities programs. As Indonesia anticipates even more successes on the international phase, events like these remind us of the power of sporting activities to bring people with each other, influence satisfaction, and foster a sense of area and nationwide identity.

“The agreement between Mr. Airlangga (Golkar Chairman) and the other political party leaders is to wait until the end of July or early August,” said Doli at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (June 20, 2024)

Preacher Amran also shared his pride and happiness over Indonesia’s efficiency. “Happy with the Indonesian National Group’s fight, their perseverance and the amazing assaults they developed,” he mentioned. This triumph was greater than simply a win in a football suit; it was a testimony to the effort, method, and spirit of the Indonesian team.

nDeputy Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, stated that no political party has made a definite decision on who will be supported in the Jakarta Regional Election (Pilkada) . This includes Anies Baswedan, who has not been confirmed as a candidate for governor

The Indonesian National Team’s success is a celebration of team effort, tactical planning, and difficult job. Each gamer’s payment was crucial to the win, and the mentoring team’s role in preparing the group for this high-stakes suit can not be overstated. This victory is a testimony to the power of collective initiative and critical implementation in accomplishing wonderful results.

nHowever, he admitted that Ridwan Kamil’s electability has dropped as a candidate for Jakarta governor (cagub) in 2024, following the emergence of Anies Baswedan and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, also known as Ahok

KPU Banyuwangi member for the Division of Voter Education, Community Participation, and Human Resources, Enot Sugiharto, announced that the pantarlih have been carrying out their duties from June 24 until 24 July. Enot mentioned that in performing their duties, pantarlih should not work merely at their desks but must go directly to the field by visiting local residents’ homes. “The goal is to ensure that the voter data for the upcoming Pilkada on 27 November is truly valid,” he stated on June 27, 2024.

**Prepare Comparative Data** For this reason, she suggested that subdistrict election supervisors should prepare comparative data to be matched with the data of the subdistrict election committee (PPK). To accommodate input from the community, during the coklit phase, all subdistrict election supervisors in Banyuwangi have been instructed to set up posts to safeguard voting rights and community complaint posts, either through social media, hotlines, or local offices. Additionally, she mentioned that it is equally important for subdistrict election supervisors to regularly conduct patrols to safeguard voting rights. “If any suspected violations by pantarlih are found, subdistrict election supervisors must issue a recommendation letter for correction through the PPK,” she stated.

Referencing their decision to sustain Ganjar Pranowo, Uskara highlighted the relevance of inner agreement, achieved through the National Working Meeting (Mukernas). This procedure highlights the celebration’s autonomous approach to major decisions.

“Whether in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) or in PKS, PDIP, no one has made a fixed decision. Is Anies confirmed to run? No, he isn’t. Has PKS confirmed to nominate Anies? No, they haven’t. Has PKB confirmed to support Mr. Anies? No, they haven’t,” said Habiburokhman at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (June 20, 2024)

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