PKS does not close the door to forming a coalition with the PDIP after officially nominating Anies Baswedan & Sohibul Iman as candidates for governor and vice governor for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.

DWQA QuestionsCategory: QuestionsPKS does not close the door to forming a coalition with the PDIP after officially nominating Anies Baswedan & Sohibul Iman as candidates for governor and vice governor for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.
Marcella Wyrick asked 5 months ago

[vidio:VIDEO: If Ordered by the Nasdem Chairman, Ahmad Sahroni is Ready to Run in the Jakarta Gubernatorial Election](

Syaikhu explained that the decision of the PKS Central Executive Board (DPP) to nominate Anies and Sohibul Iman in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election was based on suggestions from the PKS Jakarta Regional Leadership Board (DPW). “I have received a letter from the DPW DKI Jakarta structure that has proposed the DKI gubernatorial candidate to the PKS DPP, followed by the vice-gubernatorial candidate for DKI to the PKS DPP. Among the letters, there is a request to endorse, approve, and designate Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan and Mr. Mohammad Sohibul Iman as the gubernatorial and vice-gubernatorial candidates for Jakarta,” said Syaikhu.

Previously, PKS officially nominated Anies Baswedan and Sohibul Iman as prospective gubernatorial and vice-gubernatorial candidates for the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election. This was announced by PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu in his speech at the Party Leadership School titled ‘Continuing to Defend the People’ at the Grand Sahid Hotel, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (25/6/2024). “The PKS DPP at the meeting on Thursday, June 20, 2024, decided to nominate Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan as the prospective gubernatorial candidate and Mr. Sohibul Iman as the prospective vice-gubernatorial candidate,” said Syaikhu.

Reflections on Past Elections
Recalling at the elections between 2014 and 2019, minutes of extreme competition between Jokowi’s advocates and Prabowo appeared. Even during those times, Prabowo emphasized the importance of respecting Megawati, showcasing the depth of their mutual regard.

n”Technically, I ask KPU friends at the provincial, regency/city levels to always coordinate with local governments, the military, police, prosecutors, and courts, so that in carrying out their work or tasks, the election organizers can work well,” said Hasyim

During the inauguration, Head of state Jokowi highlighted the relevance of the roadway growth task, specifying, “Today, with the articulation of bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I formally inaugurate the application of the Presidential Guideline on Regional Roadways in Central Sulawesi Province.” He highlighted that the IDR 330 billion investment reflects the federal government’s dedication to enhancing the district’s facilities.

President Jokowi guaranteed that the focus on roadway improvement expands beyond Central Sulawesi. This initiative belongs to a larger national strategy to improve roadway framework throughout Indonesia. By devoting to look at the progression of road growths in other districts, the Head of state shows an across the country commitment to facilities renovation.

n”We meet with everyone. So, we are very happy to be able to discuss with everyone, to exchange ideas with everyone,” said Anies, as reported by Antara, Friday (June 21, 2024) . [Read More](5624160 5624208 5623387

The construction of these roadways is not just concerning boosting transportation. It is a complex advancement technique targeted at improving access, security, and financial growth within Central Sulawesi. By linking remote locations with urban centers, the initiative is expected to boost regional economic situations, assist in much easier accessibility to markets, and improve the overall quality of life for locals.

n1. February 27 – November 16, 2024: Notification and registration of election observers
2. April 24 – May 31, 2024: Submission of potential voter list
3. May 5 – August 19, 2024: Fulfillment of requirements for independent candidate pairs
4. Should you loved this short article and you would like to acquire more details with regards to AD offspring studies generously go to our own internet site. May 31 – September 23, 2024: Voter data updating and list preparation
5. August 24 – August 26, 2024: Announcement of candidate pair registration
6. August 27 – August 29, 2024: Candidate pair registration
7. August 27 – September 21, 2024: Candidate requirements examination
8. September 22, 2024: Determination of candidate pairs
9. September 25 – November 23, 2024: Campaign implementation
10. November 27, 2024: Voting day
11. November 27 – December 16, 2024: Vote counting and recapitulation

The officials present included Acting Director General of Political and Public Administration Togap Simangunsong, Deputy Coordinator for Domestic Political Affairs at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Major General TNI Heri Wiranto, Assistant Deputy for Election and Political Party Management Brigadier General TNI Haryadi, Assistant Intelligence TNI Djaka Budhi Utama, Deputy Director of National Security Agency Police, Member of DKPP I Dewa Kade Wiarsa, Secretary of DIY, and Klaten Regent Sri Mulyani

In a crucial action to boost facilities in Central Sulawesi, President Joko Widodo, widely known as Jokowi, has officially inaugurated the completion of 15 road areas in the district. President Jokowi ensured that the focus on roadway enhancement expands beyond Central Sulawesi. By devoting to inspect on the progression of road advancements in various other districts, the President demonstrates an across the country dedication to infrastructure enhancement.

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